Embarking on the journey to become an occupational therapist (OT) is a rewarding and fulfilling path, requiring dedication, education, and ongoing commitment to professional growth. As a parent seeking to understand the profession or as someone considering a career change, you may have questions about what it takes to become an OT. In this blog […]
READ MORECaring for the Caregivers: The Crucial Role of Parental Self-Care in Supporting Children’s Development
In the world of paediatric care, there exists a unique and significant connection between children and their caregivers. Caregivers, be they mothers, fathers, or guardians, serve as the cornerstone of a child’s growth, offering love, guidance, and unwavering support. Caregivers of children with disabilities also serve as advocates, therapists, and tireless champions for their children’s […]
Please note: The following information is accurate as of March 2024, however changes to NDIS occur frequently. For the most up to date information please visit National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding to individuals with disabilities or developmental concerns to promote independence, participation and community access. Its goal […]
READ MOREHidden Disabilities
Not all disabilities are visible. 1 in 7 of us live with a disability across the world. Not all disabilities can be seen. Some individuals experience a disability that is visible, whilst others may experience a disability that is invisible or experience a combination of both visible and invisible conditions. An individual may experience a […]
READ MOREPreparing for your Child’s Individualised Education Plan (IEP) Meeting.
Do you need help preparing for a meeting with your child’s school? Do you feel daunted about having to meet with your child’s teachers to develop their Individual Education Plan? Our guest blogger, Nicki Powell from www.nickipowell.com.au has put together these top 10 tips for parents. Review your child’s current IEP: Take some time to […]
READ MOREGender Diversity in Children
The following blog post uses identifying-first language which aligns with the current preferences in the Autistic community. We understand that everyone is on their own journey, and acknowledge they have the right to choose their preferred language. Definitions of Terms Transgender is an umbrella term used when an individual has identified that their gender identity […]
READ MOREManaging Screentime in Children
Screentime management can be an extremely confusing part of parenthood to understand and navigate. With so much conflicting information on the internet, along with balancing the increasing demands of working parents, screentime can often cause a lot of stress in households. We also see that excessive screentime can play a big part in meltdowns, emotional […]
READ MOREBuilding Independence in Pre-Teens
The ‘pre-teen’ years are generally between the ages of 9 and 12 but will vary depending on your child. This is often a time in which your child may look to gain more freedom, push boundaries and make big decisions on their own. They may begin expressing more opinions and are likely experiencing a lot […]
READ MOREInsight: Things your Preschool Educator Wants Parents to Know
They want to work with you Your child’s educator wants to work alongside you as the parent/guardian to provide the best experience for your child. Allowing time for check-ins with your child’s teacher will allow you to understand what they are working on, your child’s strengths and any challenges they may be facing. Teaching them […]
READ MOREOccupational Therapy Terms… what do they mean?
Hypermobility, low muscle tone, crossing midline… You may have heard of these terms in your Occupational Therapy session or report before… but what do they actually mean?! Whether you’re a student, therapist or family member, we hope this blog post provides concise and easy to understand definitions of standard OT terms! Low Muscle Tone (or […]